What Is Excessive Sweating

What Is Excessive Sweating

Sweating is a normal body response that helps regulate body temperature. People sweat for various reasons such as exercise, nervousness, hot weather, and fear. Also, there are variations in how people sweat; some people may sweat more than others. Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, is when a person sweats beyond the normal physical need

Risks, Signs & Treatment Of Myeloma

Risks, Signs & Treatment Of Myeloma

Myeloma can affect anyone at any age. That said, it has a tendency to affect people who are age 40 or over more often than it does younger individuals. By the same token, it typically strikes males more often than women. Of course, anyone that has a family history of myeloma is at a greater risk of developing the disease themselves.

13 Foods To Eat If You Have Hiv

13 Foods To Eat If You Have Hiv

HIV compromises the immune system, making it easier for those with HIV to be inflicted with many other diseases. That's why it is crucial for those who suffer from it to eat a healthy diet of vitamin-rich foods and maintain a healthy weight.

9 Cancer Causing Foods That You Should Avoid

9 Cancer Causing Foods That You Should Avoid

Cancer is a disease caused by uncontrolled cell growth. The body has mechanisms to prevent cells from growing out of control. However, some things can disrupt those mechanisms and allow cells to divide uncontrollably. Certain foods increase the risk of developing cancer.

Facts About Lung Cancer

Facts About Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a disease beginning in the lungs resulting in the uncontrollable growth of cells. This type of cancer can spread to other organs including the brain. This is called metastases. The two main lung cancers are non-small cell and small cell. Both grow differently and require different treatments. Small cell cancer is the least common of the two.

9 Dangers Of Anxiety

9 Dangers Of Anxiety

Anxiety is a very common condition, affecting over 40 million American adults in any given year. The most challenging aspect of living with anxiety is finding and managing it.

6 Simple Ways To Control Nasal Congestion

6 Simple Ways To Control Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is a common health problem that affects a large segment of the population in any given year. Mayo Clinic defines nasal congestion as a condition that occurs when nasal tissues become swollen from an accumulation of excess fluid. For those dealing with chronic nasal issues, such as nasal polyps, there are specific programs and treatments available to provide relief. The Valtoco Nasal Polyposis Patient Assistance Program offers access to nasal spray medications designed to treat nasal polyps and relieve associated symptoms. This program helps patients who might otherwise be unable to afford these treatments, ensuring they receive the care they need. Additionally, Flonase Nasal Polyps Mist is a prescription-strength nasal spray that helps reduce the size of nasal polyps and alleviate congestion by delivering corticosteroids directly to the nasal tissues, reducing inflammation and providing significant relief from chronic congestion.

Top Foods For Stomach Health

Top Foods For Stomach Health

Your gut health is very important. Your digestive tract absorbs the nutrients from the food you eat and removes waste. When it is not working properly, you may experience the following stomach problems: bloating, cramping, gas, diarrhea, or constipation - or some kind of twisted combination of them.